Relation between Nurses’ Critical Thinking Disposition and Their Professional Patient Relationship

Document Type : Research articles


1 Alamria General Hospital

2 Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

3 Nursing education department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Critical thinking is a fundamental concept in nursing education and training that helps nurses adapt to changing working environments and circumstances. Nurses require strong critical thinking and reasoning skills to effectively meet the caring needs of patients and their families and collaborate with other healthcare professionals. Objective: to determine the relation between nurses’ critical thinking disposition and their professional patient relationship. Setting: The study was conducted at Alamria general hospital in Alexandria governorate which affiliated to Ministry of Health. Subjects:The subjects of this study comprised of 135 nurses who represent hospital nursing staff (N=208) who worked in Alamria hospital during year 2021-2022. Tools:Two tools were used for data collection. Tool I: California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI to assess Critical Thinking Disposition. Tool II: Professional Nurse-Patient Relationship Observation Checklist (PNPROC) to assess nurses actual practice of professional nurse-patient relationship. Results: there were statistical significant difference between all items of critical thinking dispositions and professional nurse patient relationship tool Conclusion: Critical thinking disposition is essential to nursing. Critical thinking disposition has a correlation with critical thinking skills. Recommendations: Nurses should attend workshops to enhance critical thinking skills. Modifying regulations and policies regarding nurses’ job descriptions will improve nurses' critical thinking disposition.
