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Manuscripts are evaluated regardless of authors’ race, gender, religious belief (affiliation) citizenship or political philosophy. The decision is based only on paper’s importance, originality, clarity and validity, and relevance to the journal's scope.
Manuscripts should be evaluated and approved first by “the Research Ethics Committee at Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University” to be accepted for publishing in ASNJ.
Authors must adhere to ethical standards for biomedical researches. This includes validity of the research, informed consent whether verbal or written, respect for autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, and justice.
The research should be conducted in an ethical manner and should comply with all relevant legislations:
Researchers should present their results clearly, honestly and without fabrication or inappropriate data manipulation.
Submitted papers should be original and not published elsewhere in any language.
New findings should be presented in the context of previous research and the work of others should be clearly documented (presented).
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