Guide for Authors

Submitted manuscripts must be original and not published or accepted for publication elsewhere. They should be submitted for the exclusive use of the Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal.

Manuscripts should be printed on A4, 80 mg paper, 1.5 line spaces with 2.5cm margins. Manuscripts should not exceed 12 papers, two-column and inclusive references. They must be sent online to the journal e-mail.
The text and references should follow the Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal format:

  • Title of manuscripts: It should be concise (not more than 15 words) and include the name of the author(s), professional title, institution(s) affiliation, and e-mail of the corresponding author.

  • Abstract: It should not exceed 200 words. It should state the objective of the study, setting, subjects, tools, important results, conclusion, main recommendations, and keywords.

  • Introduction: It should include relevant literature related to the problem of the study, the significance of the study, and its relevance to nursing.

  • Abbreviations should be spelled out the first time they are used. Symbols, other than standard statistical symbols, should be identified the first time used.

  • Aim of the Study.

  • Research question or hypothesis.

  • Materials and Method:

  1. Materials should include research design, setting where the study was conducted, subjects of the study and criteria for selection, and tools for data collection.

  2. Method should include study procedure, and date and period of the study

  3. Ethical considerations.

  • Statistical analysis.

  • Results: Tables, figures or graphs should be typed on one page each and relative placement should be noted in the text.

  • Discussion: of the findings with other relevant studies in the field of study.

  • Conclusion.

  • Recommendations.

  • References: These are cited in consecutive numbers as noted in the text. The APA style should be followed. This includes the author's name(s), year, the title of the article, name of book or journal (its volume and number), and page.

Manuscripts are reviewed by two professors in the field of study. The decision for publication is made on the basis of these reviews. No manuscripts will be returned to the author(s). Accepted manuscripts become the property of the Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal. The journal reserves the right to edit all manuscripts for its style and space requirements and for the purpose of clarity.

The editors of the Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal will determine in which volume and number the accepted manuscripts will appear.

Article Processing Charge:
1300 EGP. (1000 Pulication+300 Reviweing).
Code No. 30200125.