Relationship Between Academic Procrastination Behavior and Self-Regulation Among Nursing Students

Document Type : Research articles


1 Nursing Education, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

2 Psychiatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Academic procrastination is a widespread problem that affects many students. It refers to the behavior of postponing academic tasks to the point that leads to negative consequences. One of the factors that lead to academic procrastination is lack of self-regulation among students, where there is a lack of motivation and taking the responsibility of the learning process. Aim: Assess the levels of academic procrastination behavior and self-regulation and explore the relationship between academic procrastination behavior and self-regulation among nursing students. Setting: Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt. Subjects: 400 nursing students who were selected randomly by using the stratified sample method and distributed by proportional allocation technique to represent all nursing students (N=2695) who enrolled in the four academic levels, during the second semester of the academic year 2021-2022. Tools: Two tools were used. Tool one: " Academic Procrastination Scale (APS)". Tool two: " Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ).". Results: The majority of nursing students had moderate levels of academic procrastination behavior and self-regulation. In addition, there was a negative, moderate correlation between academic procrastination behavior and self-regulation among nursing students. Conclusion: Nursing students require programs that enhance self-regulated learning (SRL), especially regarding time and study environment in addition to considering appropriate strategies to overcome the additional causes of academic procrastination. Recommendation: Training programs should be conducted to nursing students to improve self-reflection skills that raise their awareness in relation to academic procrastination and self-regulated learning.
