Effect of Olfactory Training on Restoring Smell and Taste Senses Post Covid-19 Infection

Document Type : Research articles


1 Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt

2 Medical-Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Assuit University, Egypt

3 Community Health Nursing, Assuit Directorate of Health. Ministry of Health, Egypt


Background: COVID-19 patients frequently report smell and taste impairments that develop early in the disease and, in some cases, last long after respiratory symptoms have subsided. Olfactory training is a therapy that helps people restore their sense of smell. Aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of olfactory training on restoring smell and taste senses in Covid-19 patients. Study design: A quasiexperimental research design was used to achieve the study'saim. Setting: The study was conducted in outpatient chest clinics at Mansoura university hospital & Assiut university and Chest hospitals.A purposive sample of 200 patients was included in the study and was divided into two equal groups (study group & control group). Tools: Two tools were used to achieve the aim of the study.Tool I: - Self – administered questionnaire included 3 parts as follows, demographic characteristics, Visual Analog Scale (VAS)-Smell Score, and Self-Reported Mini Olfactory Questionnaire. Tool II:Patient-administrated gustatory test. Results: Statisticaly significance difference between the study and control group concerning smell restoration duration (3.020 ± 1.663 and 5.470 ± 2.027) weeks resppctively,and taste restoration with p value (p=0.0001**) Conclusion: Olfactory training enhance smell & taste restoration post COVID 19 infection. Recommendation: patients with smell and taste loss post-COVID-19 infection should be advised to practice olfactory training.
