Correlation between Nurses’ Attitude toward 5S kaizen technique, its Implementation and their Perception of Psychosocial Safety Climate.

Document Type : Research articles


1 ,First line Nursing Manager of intensive care unit Mabarra Teaching Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt.

2 Professor Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

3 Lecturer Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University.


Background: 5S kaizen technique, a lean approach to workplace organization, has gained attention lately as a possible way to raise the standard of government healthcare provided in low- and middle-income nations. Aim of the study to identify relationship between Nurses’ Attitude toward 5S kaizen technique, its Implementation and their Perception of Psychosocial Safety Climate. Settings: This study was conducted in all the intensive care units (ICUs) at two hospitals namely: El-Agamy hospital and Sharq Elmadina Hospital. They are affiliated to the general secretariat of specialized medical centers. Subjects: All nurses working in the ICUs of the study settings (n=197) and who provide direct and indirect care to patients and Sample of equipment and supplies were included in the study these are crush cart, medication cupboards and supplies cupboards. Tools: Three tools were used in the study as follows: Tool (1) Visual Workplace Audit checklist of 5S for healthcare. Tool (2) Attitude of nurses toward implementation of 5S. Tool (3) Psychosocial Safety Climate scale. Results: illustrate that there was negative non statically significance correlation between nurses' attitude application implementation 5s kaizen technique for healthcare, while, there was positive non statically significance correlation between nurses' attitude and implementation 5s kaizen technique in preparation of crash cart for healthcare. In addition, there was positive non statically significance correlation between psychosocial safety climate and implementation 5s kaizen technique by studied nurses. Also, there was positive statically significance correlation between nurses' attitude and psychosocial safety climate as perceived by studied nurses. Conclusion: there was positive non statically significance correlation between psychosocial safety climate and application of 5s kaizen technique Also, there was positive statically significance correlation between nurses' attitude and psychosocial safety climate. Recommendation: Developing 5s kaizen technique training program for nursing staff to develop their planning skills to achieve high quality of patient care.
