Assessment Of Clinical Governance Climate and Its Relationship With Job Empowerment Among Healthcare Providers

Document Type : Research articles


1 , quality team member. Matrouh Health Affairs Directorate.

2 Professor. Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University.

3 Lecturer. Nursing Administration Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Clinical governance has evolved to improve healthcare delivery and ensure high standards of care. A positive clinical governance climate leads to improved job empowerment and performance of health care providers. Aim: This study aims to assess the clinical governance climate and its relationship with job empowerment among healthcare providers. Research Question: What is the relationship between clinical governance climate and job empowerment among healthcare providers? Research design: a descriptive correlational research design was used to carry out this study. Setting: This study was conducted at all inpatient units of Matrouh General Hospital, Matrouh governorate which is affiliated to the Ministry of Health and Population (MOHP). Subjects: A non-probability quota sampling technique was used to recruit the study participants (n = 301) who participated in the study at the time of data collection. Tools: Two tools are used to collect the necessary data The “Clinical Governance Climate Questionnaire" (CGCQ) and the Condition for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire (CWEQ-I). Results: The majority (94.68%) of healthcare providers had a moderate perceived level of clinical governance climate levels. More than three quarters (76.74%) of them also had a moderate perceived level of job empowerment. Conclusion: There was a statistically significant positive correlation between clinical governance climate and job empowerment among healthcare providers (r= 0.150, p= 0.009). Recommendations: Develop training programs for healthcare providers of clinical governance climate and job empowerment in the healthcare organization by Promoting teamwork and encouraging open and transparent communication that reflects the quality of patient care.
