Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Nurses' Compliance with Infection Control Standard Precautions

Document Type : Research articles


Medical Surgical Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University, Egypt


Background: Health facilities acquired infection is a worldwide problem predisposing to increased mortality and morbidity. Nevertheless, the health care personnel are liable to blood borne pathogens hazards. Thus, ensuring nurses’ universal infection control precautions (ICP) practices compliance during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy is a worldwide health care challenge; resulting in overall health outcome consequences. The current study aimed to assess the compliance of upper GI endoscopy nurses’ with universal ICP practices. Design: A descriptive research design was utilized. Settings: The study was implemented at the upper GI endoscopy unit of the Main University Hospital, Alexandria, Egypt. Subject included all available (40) nurses. One tool was developed; entitled “The Upper GI Endoscopy Nurses' Compliance with Universal Infection Control Precautions Observational Checklist”. Results: The most frequently observed infection control related-nurses’ practices were related to: soiled laundry management (60%), respiratory hygiene etiquette inside the endoscopy room (57.5%), personal protective equipment (55%), and disposal of waste (52.5%). More than half (57.5%) of the nurses were non-compliant with total ICP practices. Conclusion: Assessing nurses’ ICP compliance during upper GI endoscopy procedure was a challenge; where more than half of nurses failed to adhere to the total IC precautionary practices. The researchers Recommendation: carrying out training programs and timely courses for nurses’ to update their knowledge that consequently is reflected on their adherence.
