Barriers to E-learning during COVID 19 Outbreak as Perceived by Nursing Students at the Faculty of Nursing-Alexandria University

Document Type : Research articles


Nursing Administration, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Online learning is increasingly used to respond to COVID-19 outbreak. Nevertheless, E-learning is still in its early stages of use worldwide, especially in Egypt, where some of the difficulties and challenges of adopting E-learning are still being addressed. Aim of the study: was to identify barriers facing nursing students to e-learning during COVID 19 outbreak. Subjects and methods: Research design: A descriptive research design was used in this study. Setting: The study was conducted at faculty of nursing Alexandria University Egypt. Subjects: 360 undergraduate nursing students for academic year 2020/2021(proportional allocation method) from all levels and all nursing students enrolled in postgraduate programs (n=180). Tools of data collection: Tool: Barriers facing nursing students in online learning. In addition to the socio-demographic characteristics sheet. Results: The study reveals thatmore than half of postgraduate students 55.6% perceived low level of barriers to e-learning.While, 71.7% of undergraduate students perceived a moderate level of barriers to e-learning.Conclusion: The findings of this study concluded that the highest percent of postgraduate students perceived low level of barriers and the highest percentage of undergraduate students perceived moderate level of barriers to e-learning.Recommendations: Introduce training program for increasing awareness of nursing students' to e-learning platform, and      gradual introduction of E-learning courses in nursing education is recommended to reduce barriers to e-learning.
