Effect of Foot Reflexology on Low Back Pain Intensity and Functional Abilities Among Pregnant Women


1 Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University.

2 Obstetric and Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Pregnancy related low back pain (PRLBP) is a medical and socioeconomic 
problem affects approximately 45–56% of pregnant women. Pregnancy-related low back pain is any 
type of idiopathic pain arising between the lower margin of the 12th rib and the inferior gluteal folds 
during the course of pregnancy. Symptoms of PRLBP could start from early in pregnancy until giving 
birth, but usually, the pain becomes more severe during the third semester of pregnancy and is 
described as dull pain. This complaint is aggravated in multiple pregnancies as well as by each new 
pregnancy. Objective: Determine the effect of foot reflexology on low back pain intensity and 
functional abilities among pregnant women. Setting: The study will be conducted at the antenatal 
clinics of El-Shatby Maternity University Hospital in Alexandria Governorate. Subjects: A 
convenience sample of 90 pregnant women with low back pain will be selected from the previously 
mentioned setting: Tools: three tools were used for data collection. The first tool was Sociodemographic characteristic and reproductive history structured interview schedule. The second tool
was the visual analog scale used for subjective estimation of patient’s pain. The third tool was 
Oswestry Low Back Disability interview schedule to evaluate functional abilities of pregnant women 
with low back pain. Results: The study results revealed a highly statistically significant difference 
between the studied groups in relation to their level of pain after intervention where (P= <0.001). *) . 
In relation to their functional abilities, a statistically significant difference was found between the 
control and the study group after intervention where p = <0.001. Conclusion: Pregnant women 
underwent a course of reflexology foot massage had significant decrease of low back pain intensity& 
increased functional abilities. Recommendations: Approach the administrative personnel of health 
care settings, in order to raise their awareness about the benefits of reflexology to pregnant women 
suffering from PRLBP so that they incorporate with pre service and in-service training of nurses to 
enable them to use it as non- pharmacological method for PRLBP
