Effect of Progressive Muscle Relaxation technique on postpartum afterpains intensity among multiparous women

Document Type : Research articles


Obstetric & Gynecologic Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University


Background: Afterpains had been documented as a major concern for women in the postpartum   period. However, its management is a relatively neglected area of clinical research. As a result, evidence to support interventions to alleviate it is sparse. Despite the effectiveness of pharmacological approaches carried out to relieve afterpains, they may cause deleterious effect on the mother and child's health. Objective: To determine the effect of progressive muscle relaxation technique on postpartum afterpains intensity among multiparous women. Setting: The study was carried out at the postnatal unit in El-Shatby Maternity University Hospital affiliated to Alexandria University. Subjects: A convenient sample of 100 postnatal women. Tools: three tools were used. Basic data structured interview schedule, which included demographic characteristics, reproductive history & clinical assessment sheet; Short-form McGill Pain Questionnaire (SF-MPQ), and A modified version of Chamber Price Pain Rating Scale (CPPRS). Results: The study showed highly statistically significant between them (P=<0.0001) after the 1st & the 2nd sessions where a greater proportion of the control group (64%) had unbearable pain, compared to only (18% & 0%) respectively of the study group. On the 3 rd PP day, a highly statistically significant difference was also disclosed between both groups (P=<0.0001), where almost two-thirds (68%) of the control group had severe pain, compared to none of the study group. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the present study, it can be concluded that progressive muscle relaxation technique significantly reduced intensity of afterpains of postpartum mothers with the intervention. So, the study aim and hypothesis were achieved within the framework of the present study. Recommendations: The progressive muscle relaxation technique can be recommended as an effective modality for postpartum afterpain  management respecting postpartum mother's preferences.
