Mothers' Knowledge Regarding Weaning Practices for Their Children Aged from 6 to 24 Months

Document Type : Research articles


1 Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Matrouh University.

2 Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University.

3 Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

4 Pediatric Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Matrouh University


Weaning is a very vulnerable period for children's life that covers from 6-24 months of age, where they transfer from exclusive breastfeeding or formula feeding to complementary food. Objective: Identify the mothers' knowledge regarding weaning practices for their children aged from 6 to 24 months. Settings: Out-Patient Clinics and Well-Baby Clinics of Matrouh General Hospital and Specialized Children's Hospital at Matrouh city. Subjects: A convenience sample of 200 mothers having children aged from 6 to 24 months and free from chronic illness. Tool: “mothers' knowledge regarding weaning practices for their children aged from 6 to 24 months structured interview schedule” was developed to collect data. Results: Half of the studied mothers had "good" total knowledge score with a mean score of 35.94 ± 6. 515. Where 82.0% of the studied mothers had "good" knowledge score regarding general weaning practices, 52% of them had "fair" knowledge score related to the number of meals and appropriate types of food, 46% of them had "good" knowledge score related to principles of weaning. Conclusion: it can be concluded that mothers had a good total knowledge score regarding weaning practices. Recommendations: Health teaching sessions about weaning practices for mothers should be conducted in well-baby clinics and outpatient clinics.
