Background: Plasmapheresis could be considered as a relatively safe method of treatment for patients, so nurses should provide continuous observation and proper monitoring of patients to ensure their safety which is an essential part of care as professional trained personnel. Objective: To assess nurses’ knowledge and practices toward Patients Undergoing Plasmapheresis. Settings: The study was carried out at Hemodialysis Unit of The Main University Hospital which affiliated to Alexandria University. Subjects: A convenient sample of 35 nurses working at the above-mentioned setting. Tools: Two tools were used for data collection. The first tool was plasmapheresis nurses’ knowledge schedule interview. The second tool was plasmapheresis nurses’ practices Observational Checklist. Results: Findings of the present study revealed that the majority of the studied nurses had low level in both knowledge and practice. In addition, there was no significant relation between the studied nurses' sociodemographic data and their level of practice, while a significant relation was noticed between age of the studied nurses and their knowledge level where P = 0,000. Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of the studied nurses had low level in both knowledge and practice. Recommendations: Training workshops about plasmapheresis should be conducted regularly and must be obligatory for all nurses.
Hassan, A., Elgamil, A., Yakout, R., & Hafez, M. (2022). Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices toward Patients Undergoing Plasmapheresis. Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 24(1), 47-56. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.246007
Ahmed Awad Hassan; Aida Elsayed Elgamil; Rasha Aly Yakout; Marwa Khalil Hafez. "Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices toward Patients Undergoing Plasmapheresis", Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 24, 1, 2022, 47-56. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.246007
Hassan, A., Elgamil, A., Yakout, R., Hafez, M. (2022). 'Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices toward Patients Undergoing Plasmapheresis', Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 24(1), pp. 47-56. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.246007
Hassan, A., Elgamil, A., Yakout, R., Hafez, M. Nurses’ Knowledge and Practices toward Patients Undergoing Plasmapheresis. Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 2022; 24(1): 47-56. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2022.246007