Effect of Abdominal Muscles Strengthening Exercises on the Severity of Chronic Constipation in Older Adults

Document Type : Research articles


1 Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University

2 Gerontological Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Alexandria University

3 Medical Surgical Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University


Chronic constipation is a significant healthcare problem in older people and impacts
negatively on quality of life. The nurse should encourage the older adults to perform
abdominal muscles strengthening exercises, it can strengthen the abdominal muscles and
increase the frequency of bowel movements in constipated patients. Objective: Determine the
effect of abdominal muscles strengthening exercises on the severity of chronic constipation
among the older adults. Setting: The outpatient clinics at the Specialized Medical Hospital,
Mansoura University. Subjects: 100 older adult patients aged 60 years and above, have
chronic constipation for at least one year. Tools: Six tools were used namely; Older Adults
Socio-demographic and Clinical Data Structured Interview Schedule, Katz and Akpom Scale,
Lawton and Brady Scale, Constipation Assessment Scale, Older Adults’ Knowledge Related
to Constipation Structured Interview Schedule, and Constipation Management Observational
Checklist. Results: After the intervention the elders who have moderate and severe degree of
chronic constipation reported improvement in the severity of chronic constipation and
decrease in their numbers. Conclusion: Performance of abdominal muscle strengthening
exercises improved the severity of the degree of chronic constipation for the majority of the
subjects in the study group. Recommendations: Nurses and caregivers raise awareness of
community dwelling older adults who attend the outpatient clinics and reside in assisted
living facilities regarding healthy lifestyle and abdominal muscle strengthening exercises.
