Leukemia is the most common form of childhood cancer and is an abnormal unrestricted proliferation of immature white blood cells in the bone marrow and certain blood forming tissues. Chemotherapy is the treatment of choice and is accompanied by several side-effects. Objective: To identify impact of management on self-care of chemotherapy side-effects among leukemic children, to find out patients self-care deficit and to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching side-effect management technique (SEMT). Setting: The study was conducted at In-patient and Out-patient pediatric units at El-Mansoura University Oncology Center. Subjects: 110 children with leukemia. Tools: Two tools were used to elicit the necessary data; the leukemic children’s structured interview schedule, and the Karnovski Scale used to assess the performance status of the patients and the Side-Effect Management Technique. Results: more than two-thirds of the studied children were males (67.3%) compared to (32.7%) who females. Most common side-effects of chemotherapy were anorexia (84.5%), nausea and vomiting (80.9%), alopecia (72.7%), fatigue (64.5%) and stomatitis (55%). There was statistically significant difference between measures which were used before and after SEMT to most of side-effects experienced by patients who received chemotherapy. Conclusion: Patients who received chemotherapy developed side-effects related to each drug. Side-effect management technique as nursing measures helped leukemic children to acquire self-care behaviors to manage raised side-effects. Recommendations:Health teaching plan should be available to the patient and his family, and nurses should discuss with physicians different protocols of treatment to have information about different cytotoxic drugs.
Elguoshy, E., Kamhawy, H., AbdEl-Kader, W., & El-Sallab, S. (2014). Impact of Management Technique on Self-Care of Chemotherapy Sideeffects Among Leukemic Children. Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 16(1), 1-24. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2014.205518
Eman Abd Elsamea Elguoshy; Heba Ezzat Kamhawy; Wafaa Mahmoud AbdEl-Kader; Shadia Moustafa El-Sallab. "Impact of Management Technique on Self-Care of Chemotherapy Sideeffects Among Leukemic Children", Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 16, 1, 2014, 1-24. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2014.205518
Elguoshy, E., Kamhawy, H., AbdEl-Kader, W., El-Sallab, S. (2014). 'Impact of Management Technique on Self-Care of Chemotherapy Sideeffects Among Leukemic Children', Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 16(1), pp. 1-24. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2014.205518
Elguoshy, E., Kamhawy, H., AbdEl-Kader, W., El-Sallab, S. Impact of Management Technique on Self-Care of Chemotherapy Sideeffects Among Leukemic Children. Alexandria Scientific Nursing Journal, 2014; 16(1): 1-24. doi: 10.21608/asalexu.2014.205518